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5 Telltale Signs of Arthritis Jul 1st, 2022

More than 58 million Americans have arthritis, the medical term for progressive joint deterioration. Arthritic joint pain is no laughing matter. Arthritis has the power to seriously limit your mobility and infiltrate every aspect of your life. In fact, it’s a leading cause of disability nationwide and right now, there’s no cure. The good...

Prolotherapy: How it Works and How it May be Able to Help You May 1st, 2022

Chronic pain can infiltrate every aspect of your life — from limiting your daily activities to keeping you up at night. Nearly 20% of American adults have chronic pain, and unfortunately, effective treatments are scarce. Maybe you’ve tried pain relieving medications, physical therapy, or other treatments without relief. It’s easy to feel...

What You Can Expect During Your First IV Therapy Session Apr 4th, 2022

Intravenous (IV) therapy has long been used to administer medication. It’s an extremely effective way of maximizing the body’s absorption of key ingredients, and now, it’s not just for hospital settings. IV therapy with vitamins, minerals, and other essential micronutrients is growing in popularity to enhance overall wellness. John Stavrakos, MS, MD,...

Learn How PRP Injections Are Revolutionizing How We Treat Joint Pain Mar 14th, 2022

Your joints give your body motion. They allow you to bend, move, and do all the activities you love — but their unique structure makes them susceptible to injury, deterioration, and pain. Joint pain can stop you in your tracks. While it’s normal to feel sore after strenuous exercise, about a third...

Why Regenerative Medicine Could Be a Great Alternative for You Feb 1st, 2022

Regenerative medicine is at the cutting-edge of medicine and has revolutionized how diseases, injuries, and disorders are treated. Some of the research in the field of regenerative medicine is still in laboratories, but many techniques and procedures are available now.  At Heritage Regenerative Medicine, Dr. John Stavrakos and our team...

Almost 90% Of Covid-19 Admissions Involve Co-Morbidities Apr 30th, 2020

I received this article from a friend, and thought it worth sharing. This is from the article (for those who would like to read it in its entirety, here’s the link: “The patients aged 65 years and older also were the most likely to have one or more underlying...

Supplements And Tips To Strengthen Your Immune Response To COVID-19 Apr 30th, 2020

As worry continues to mount over the increasing death toll that the coronavirus is exacting worldwide, a sense of helplessness leading to panic has begun to set in among many people. The way you fight fear is with hope backed by knowledge. In this posting, I’d like to go over...