Investing money in your health is just that – an investment. Unlike investments in material things, those investments you commit towards your health should produce gains in mobility, strength, and wellness.
Two sayings always come to mind when it comes to this subject:
1) Those who don’t think they have the time to pursue health now will sooner or later have to make time
for illness.
2) He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything.
Our goal at Heritage Regenerative Medicine is to help you achieve the best version of yourself so that you might live your best life, one of health, activity and without the burden of chronic pain. While everyone must decide for him- or herself what a fair cost for the investment of their health is regarding out-of-pocket healthcare costs, it’s worth noting that the average middle-aged knee arthritis patient may lose over $100,000 on their condition in doctor’s visits, medications, surgeries, and time lost from work and other productive activities! Our goal is to do what is within our power to make you feel as though
your investment in our clinic was worth the time and effort.
We respectfully request payment at the time of service for established patients. New patient consultations are paid upon scheduling. For those patients for whom traveling to see us in person is difficult, we can often do a phone or video call at Dr. Stavrakos’ discretion with pre-payment of the initial consultation fee. It’s important for us to get to know you and the details of your condition as much as the immediate reason you have chosen to see us, and this also provides you with an opportunity to ask any questions you might have prior to us meeting you in person.
New Patient consultation/exam: $200 (This fee is non-refundable.)
Follow-up visits: $85
*Please note that follow-up ‘no-show’ patients and those who cancel within 24 hours of their appointment slot will be assessed an $80 fee, to be paid prior to receiving any further services (barring emergency issues) at HRM. While we understand that emergencies happen and it is necessary to reschedule at times, if you are unable to make your scheduled appointment date and time, please let us know as soon as possible so that we might accommodate those patients on our waiting list.
Heritage Regenerative Medicine will provide you with an itemized statement that you can submit to your insurance company for possible reimbursement. This invoice will be marked as paid so that the insurance sends any reimbursement directly to you.
It is important to note that Heritage Regenerative Medicine is not part of the contract between you and your insurance, and cannot predict nor guarantee what level of reimbursement, if any, you might receive. While we cannot be part of any dispute with insurance companies, we will happily provide you and your insurance company (with your consent), with any information that we are able to release. We will do our best to help you get the best reimbursement that you can from your insurance company.
Medicare and Medicaid
We are not a Medicare/Medicaid provider, so please be aware that claims for services here cannot be sent to Medicare or Medicaid. As Medicare/Medicaid have determined that they will not cover regenerative medicine services, Heritage Regenerative Medicine cannot be part of their system. We realize that this may be discouraging initially, but our hope is that once you experience the difference in both the comprehensiveness and quality of care that we provide, this unfortunate fact of life will be easier to understand.
Secondary or Supplemental Insurance
You can certainly submit a claim to your private/secondary insurance, provided the latter has a letter of understanding regarding the services provided by Heritage Regenerative Medicine and Medicare/Medicaid’s non-coverage of our services. If you wish, we would be happy to generate this letter for you to submit to your insurance.
Funds from both Health Savings Accounts (HSA) and Flexible Savings Accounts (FSA) may be used for services at Heritage Regenerative Medicine. For many patients, this is a great way to use non-taxable healthcare funds for quality care not covered by their insurance network.
Legal Cases
Heritage Regenerative Medicine does not involve itself in cases involving workman’s compensation, motor vehicle crashes, and legal cases. Those patients who choose to receive treatment with us would be required to pay their full fee obligations at the time of service, for which we will provide receipts. Patients are responsible for filing their own claims.
We often receive calls from people who are at the end of their rope, so to speak. They have used up the available testing and treatment options that insurance-based medicine has offered them (one gentleman told us that we were the TWENTY-FOURTH office he had been to after not receiving satisfactory answers previously!) and are still dealing with pain and disability from their conditions in their everyday lives. In many cases, they are stuck with Urgent Care/Emergency Room visits when their condition becomes more than they can bear, and in between those visits, simply deal with the pain as best they can.
The more complicated the condition, the more expensive it becomes to work up and manage, and the longer it goes on, the worse it typically gets. While we understand that there may be an element of “sticker shock” when reviewing our out-of-pocket treatment options, we hope to provide a perspective on “playing the long game,” so to speak (time, money, and effort now to offset more of the same later on). If we genuinely feel that spending $500 - $12K no over the course of a few weeks or months may well offset the need to spend over $100k in the future on drugs, invasive procedures, doctor’s visits, more imaging, more drugs and even more procedures (including point-of-no-return ones like spinal fusion or joint replacement surgery), then we will convey our thoughts to you during your office visit.
Only you can decide if our treatment options are worth it for your problems, and our attempts to get to the root of your issues, instead of following most insurance-based models that focus on the treatment of symptoms.
We are always open to discussing your conditions, our approximate costs, and any questions, comments, or concerns you may have about any of the above. Please feel free to reach out to us at, or simply call our office line.